Country Living.....

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Family Birthdays

Special Family Members

We recently went to Springtown to celebrate birthdays with some special family members. Patsy, sister in law, celebrated her birthday. Carol Ann always opens her home to all family members (and they are plentiful) to enjoy cooking and good times.

Frankie's brother, Paul, also was having a birthday so we got to see both of these special people. Paul recovering from chemo and radiation so he was weak, but eager to talk farm and tractor talk. He took the picture (below) and did a good job.

You can see Frankie got the height, but Paul will let you know he got the looks.

A wonderful 4 generation picture. Ruthie, Ruth Ann, Crystal, and Mattie. Soon there will be an addition to Crystal's family. She is due early June. No family reunion for her this year!! We always enjoy seeing Paul, Ruthie and family. Also Ruthie is the best cook.

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